Monday, September 14, 2009

Qualify and take advantage of the Obama Stimulus Package for adopting EHR

The Oblama Healthcare stimulus incentives includes grant programs, education and technical assistance to help small and medium business physicians. GMD can assist with the new economic stimulus law to provide the doctors with financial and technical assistance to adopt health IT / EHR.

Small (five or fewer physicians working in a single office ) and medium practices face special challenges and require significant assistance to qualify, implement, effectively use health IT and ensure compliance with EHR.

Ravi Narayanan, Chief Strategy Officer, GMD observes that "There's a need for focused technical assistance for small and medium health care practices. Many physicians in these practices today definitely want to implement EHR, but feel constrained, not having the ability to invest in EHR technology systems. GMD can help physicians, including those in solo / small and medium practices, qualify / receive upto $25,000-$30,000 under Medicare in incentive payments for being meaningful users of electronic health records (EHRs)". He also beleives that "It is imperative that physicians follow a disciplined approach in purchasing EHR systems, including assessing needs, selecting a vendor, and implementing workflow changes to improve their clinical performance and outcomes"

On the compliance front, per the Health and Human Services Depart, doctors' offices and hospitals that refuse to adopt electronic records systems will have reduced Medicare and Medicaid payments. Be in the knowhow and Sign up for continued insights and updates on the stimulus and how it will affect your office.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

EMR Adoption Barriers and What Next?

Despite the multitude of benefits to electronic record systems, the modernizing our nation’s healthcare system into a smoothly operating digital infrastructure remains a distant reality. A study from the New England Journal of Medicine recently reported ‘abysmally low’ adoption rates; researchers found fewer than 8% of hospitals use EHR in even one clinical department. So why does EHR adoption continue to follow the trajectory of a proverbial uphill battle?

Based on discussions with current and potential physician practices, Global MedData has identified the following as key barriers to adoption:

  • High up front financial costs are a crucial concern and primary barrier to adoption with either slow or uncertain financial payoffs.
  • Upfront costs could range from $12000 to $30000 per physician.
  • Decreased revenue and disruption to practice; fewer patients during EMR transition period.
  • Other underlying barriers include difficulties with new technology - multitude of screens, i.e. clunky templates and user interface options are overwhelming.
  • Clinical management challenges due to operational changes and lack of solid support
  • A high failure rate of EHR implementations; as many as 50-80 percent of adoptions are unsuccessful

These barriers are more pronounced in small to mid group practices, a substantial majority, in the US.

Global MedData is a proven reliable and qualified resource for assisting clinicians with successful EHR implementations. We work closely with you to identify your organization’s unique operational setting and develop a customized blue-print for transitioning to EHR. With your needs in mind, we take an organized and methodical approach to system development. The results are customized solutions that support existing workflow practices and ensure the integrity and security of the entire document management process.

"The key is to take small customized steps toward adoption by starting with your needs based assessment. Physicians need to work with organizations who are on top of EHR compliance mandates from the government and those who will help design a roadmap and system tailored to their needs. GMD facilitates successful EHR adoptions through sequencing and prioritization, role and process redesign, training, knowledge transfer, and the right overall governance," says Ravi Narayanan, CSO of GMD.

Global MedData, Inc is a provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to physician practices, clinics and hospitals in the U.S. and to the National Health Service facilities in the U.K.
For more information and a free trial email us at


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Primed For Progress: GMD in Alignment with HITECH and HIPPA Changes

“The art of progress is to preserve order amid change and to preserve change amid order.”
- Alfred North Whitehead

As HITECH swings further into motion, the time has come for the healthcare industry and its constituents to prepare for the impending changes. The beginning stages of HITECH’s strategic plan calls for tighter requirements in regard to security and privacy. As a result, the framework of HIPPA will be redefined in accordance to more stringent compliance requirements.

Global MedData is staying on top of the new developments to ensure continued compliance with HIPPA, and supporting customers through the process of change. As pioneers of leading-edge technology, GMD understands that progress is an art form. The company has been driving healthcare change through timely, innovative, and intelligent technology solutions for 10 years.

“The time is ripe for innovation while ensuring compliance with the HITECH Act,” says Ravi Narayanan, CSO of Global MedData. “Leading healthcare constituents talk to us at GMD when they want to stay on top of regulatory and EHR compliance developments. They work with us since we understand and provide insights and changes they can make today to their internal processes and systems.”

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to physician practices, clinics, and hospitals in the U.S. and the National Health Service facilities in the U.K.
For more information or for a free trial---email us at

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Real Power of GMD—Innovation, Intelligence, Precision and Excellence

As one of the most reputable companies in the IT business, Global MedData ranks highest for keeping up with the pace of the rapidly changing healthcare industry by continuously updating and developing state-of-the-art technology solutions. Due to be released soon, is the company’s newest marvel, Global Organizer. Designed with their physician clients’ ever growing and changing requirements in mind, Global Organizer promises to transform and improve the overall performance of clinical operations.

GMD Global Organizer enables physicians, hospitals and patients to more cost effectively and securely view integrated information—from medical records and lab results to personal health information and appointment scheduling. With GMD’s iTranscript, Workflow, and Organizer clinicians now have more robust decision making power and the ability to turn data into information and intelligence.

Dr. Raj Patel, CEO of Global MedData, says that the simplicity associated with the use of GlobalOrganizer is not only convenient, but enjoyable, as well.

“Global MedData’s Global Organizer provides the easiest to use medical records system available. The user experience is so Google-like that searching and navigating medical information is no longer a chore. Meanwhile, editing medical records is as easy as entering information into an Outlook Calendar. If you want to associate a file on your desktop with a medical record, Global Organizer provides the ability to drag and drop the file from your system into the web browser. It’s just so easy to work with that you are not only immediately productive, but using it is fun!”

GMD has revolutionized successful IT and business solutions by offering unequalled reliability, affordability, and quality. Along with the significant cost savings to be gained through GMD’s workflow intelligence, our customizable solutions are scaled for speed and size of practice to ensure maximum efficiency. That’s the real power of GMD—innovation, intelligence and information that is not only accurate, timely, and unbiased but more cost effective than legacy or expensive EHRs .

With Global MedData, it’s not just business—it’s a valuable partnership. Working together; we can eliminate waiting on potential and start producing excellence in both productivity and patient care, now.

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to physician practices, clinics and hospitals in the U.S. and to the National Health Service facilities in the U.K For more information or for a free trial---email us at

Friday, May 22, 2009

Innovation, Intelligence, and Timely Information for Clinicians with GMD

A wise person once said, “You can’t expect to meet the challenges of today with yesterday’s tools and expect to be in business tomorrow.” From nowhere does that truth ring louder, perhaps, than in the healthcare industry. Though medicine is in no real danger of going out of “business”, there is no question that technology is redefining the standards of practice within our current healthcare system...and the one in the future.

Battered by competition and regulation, physicians and hospitals need to think more innovatively on how to exploit technology and data at a more optimal cost. Though the benefits of adopting paperless record systems are quite clear, financial barriers and ambiguity surrounding the issue has slowed the process of implementation. However, the goal of establishing a safer more efficient healthcare system is still attainable with the right technology.

Global MedData is a highly recognized and experienced provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to hospitals and clinics worldwide. Since 1990, GMD has been helping practitioners to better coordinate care, avoid costly duplicated tests, and prevent dangerous medication errors through the use of GMD’s innovative, intelligent, and timely IT solutions.

“Physicians, hospitals and patients are not interested in data; they are interested in translating data into information for decision making. Information that doesn’t help them make decisions isn’t valuable,” explains Ravi Narayanan, CSO of Global MedData.

GMD’s iTranscript ASP Web application is just one of the many modules available for streamlining clinical operations and data management. iTranscript offers customizable features and a simple user interface that elevates the entire transcription management process into a virtually effortless procedure. Designed for seamless integration and total interoperability with existing legacy systems, iTranscript is one of the smartest solutions for doctors on the market today. Unlike many other EHR options costing hundreds and even thousands of dollars, iTranscript is extremely affordable. There are no upfront investment costs, there is no software to buy, and the turnaround time is fast.

GMD’s comprehensive transcription modules and workflow systems are customer-driven and customizable to fit the individual needs of both small and large practice settings. Clients of GMD will not only discover beneficial improvements in practice management; they will gain significant costs savings. Our vision to empower clinics and hospitals with cost effective innovation and intelligence originates through integrative products like iTranscript. Check back next week, and discover even more ways to enhance your practice, as we reveal the latest development in our advanced IT solutions.

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to physician practices, clinics and hospitals in the U.S. and to the National Health Service facilities in the U.K. For more information or a free trial---email us at:

Monday, May 4, 2009

Alternatives to EHR: Fostering Smarter IT Adoption

Ask any physician to list their top concerns regarding EHR adoption, and chances are that you will find the term, “costs”, in the number one spot. That is not surprising, considering the fact that the average full-fledged EHR comes with a $50,000 price tag, not to mention, ongoing maintenance costs. The lofty expense and financial risk related to conventional EHR is quite a bitter pill to swallow for most doctors. As a result, many practitioners are searching for alternative HIT solutions.

An EHR with slightly fewer functions may be the best approach to going paperless…or at least a wise first step. Along with the advantage of lower-costs, a lightweight EHR is often Web-based, easily integrated and interoperable. When compared to the expense and complexities of fully-functional EHR, the benefits to a lightweight model are appealing.

Ken Beasley, CEO of a Tennessee practice, gave his take on conventional vs. lightweight EHR in a recent article released through Health Data Management:

[…] ”Where I’ve seen them implemented they’ve really slowed the doctors down,” Beasley says. He argues that most of these systems are too cumbersome to use, requiring doctors to point-and-click on clunky templates or type in their notes. A far more efficient method, he contends, is to continue the age-old practice of doctors dictating notes for transcription. Many records systems are so complex, he argues, that practices frequently use only a small fraction of their costly functions.”1

Global MedData, a technology and business solution provider based in the U.S., and in the U.K., has been equipping hospitals and clinics with affordable and scalable electronic transcription systems since 1990. Dr. Raj Patel, President and CEO of Global MedData shares the belief that automation can be achieved more efficiently with the right solutions.

“We stand behind doctors and provide the applications they want, rather than boggling them down with suites that they won’t use,” he states.

While technology proves to be a powerful tool for improving the overall performance of an organization, clinics should do their homework before jumping into a complex set-up. Statistics show 30% of practices that adopt an EHR end up de-installing it later. The key to avoiding such a costly mistake is to assess your needs and plan ahead.

“The success of EHR implementation is ultimately determined by how well it fits into existing workflow systems,” Dr. Patel contends.

Global MedData has designed their product with those factors in mind. The goal is to help physicians streamline operations and enable them to focus more on practicing medicine, and in turn, improve the quality of patient care. The company provides affordable technology and effective business solutions based on open standards, interoperability, seamless integration, and without upfront investment.

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and modular EHR to physician practices, clinics and hospitals in the U.S. and to the National Health Service facilities in the U. K. For more information email us at:


Friday, April 17, 2009

Nurses Impact Health IT and Implementation

New technologies are transforming not only the way doctors practice medicine, but the entire landscape of healthcare. While doctors certainly remain pivotal in the selection and adoption of advanced technologies, there is a sense that nurses hold a rising and powerful influence in the design and application of those systems. More than ever, nurses are becoming active participants in shaping future health information technology.

One of the major challenges nurses face is the valuable use of time. A study conducted by Ascension Health, the largest non-profit Catholic health system in the U.S., revealed that caregivers spent 48 percent of their time on tasks unrelated to direct patient care. Under current paper-based management systems, these activities perpetuate a disjointed and inefficient work environment. Technology equips nurses with efficiency and promotes improved nursing practice by streamlining workflow and allowing nurses to spend more time involved in patient care.

Until recently, nurses have had limited input regarding IT deployment. Solution providers, such as Global MedData, recognize the leading role of nurses in the development and procurement of health IT. The company cultivates technology products through extensive collaboration with administrators, nurses, and physicians.

“EHR adoption is most successful when the system fits into the existing workflows. Nurses manage the bulk of clinical workflow, so their support and acceptance is vital during the selection and implementation process,” says Dr. Raj Patel, CEO and President of Global MedData. “We approach our system designs from the ground up, and nurses bring significant value to the table.”

Global MedData offers the leading-edge technology and applications doctors and nurses need to be productive and deliver high quality care. The company provides affordable technology and business solutions that are fit to scale. With systems based on open standards, operability, and seamless integration, Global MedData has consistently achieved a 40-60% savings for clinics and hospitals.

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and EHR to physician practices and clinics in the U.S. and to the National Health Service Hospitals in the U.K.

For more information email us at:


Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Time is Ripe for Change: HIT Adoption Promoted with $20 Billion Incentive Payments

President Obama’s inspiring and long overdue vision of health reform has soared into reality with the recent enactment of the stimulus bill center pieced in his plan for economic recovery. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) encompasses almost every facet of the U.S. economy, but it is the nation’s troubled health care system that remains paramount amid legislative changes. One of the primary features of the stimulus package is a $20 billion program designed to promote the adoption of health information technology (HIT) and more specifically, the use electronic health records (EHR).

The HIT components of the stimulus package converged to form the Health Information Technology Act for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH Act). HITECH authorizes $20 billion in grants, loans, and incentive payments in an effort to meet the substantial challenges of implementing a new digital infrastructure head-on.

Beginning in 2011, incentive payments for physicians and hospitals participating in the Medicare program will be eligible to receive a capped amount of $15,000 for the first year of participation contingent upon demonstrating that they are “meaningful EHR users” of certified technology. This means they must submit “quality measures” and other reporting information on the use of EHR to the Department of Health and Human Services. Each successive year beyond 2011 decreases available allotments; $12,000 for the second year; $8,000 for the third year; $ 4,000 for the fourth year; $2,000 for the fifth year and $0 for any succeeding years.

Fewer than 17% of doctors and 10% of hospitals have full-fledged EMR systems in place due to a myriad of obstacles: their affordability, the lack of uniformity among software, the daunting technical and logistical challenges of installing, and maintaining, and updating them, the potentially dangerous disruption to clinical practice and patient care, and concerns about the security and privacy of electronic health information.

Even with the new federal incentives in place, most independent physicians and small practices may not be able to afford the cost of buying in-house systems. Health information technology and solution providers like Global MedData can make it extremely cost effective and simple to deliver a targeted and timely system to all constituents of health care; including the patient themselves.

“Global MedData can help doctors leverage their existing legacy data through customized EMR systems reinforced with open standards, interoperability, and seamless integration,” explains Global MedData CSO, Ravi Narayaran. “Our user interface ensures consistency and accuracy while streamlining operations of workflow management and improving quality of patient care.”
Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and HER to physician practices and clinics in the U.S. and to the National Health Service Hospitals in the U.K. For more information email us at:


Friday, March 6, 2009

Obama Administration Set To Modernize Health Care System

The U.S. health care system is embarking on a revitalization effort spearheaded by the Obama Administration. The recent historical passage of President Obama’s $819 billion stimulus bill will release initiative funds to implement EMR’s and other high-tech IT systems into the American medical industry. The stimulus package allocates $37 billion of funding to three main categories of cutting-edge technology: Health IT, Broadband, and Smart Grid development.

It is estimated that only 17 percent of providers in the United States currently utilize electronic record keeping systems; the majority still operate under cumbersome paper-based methods. The new bill supports a broad movement to computerize all American medical records within the next 5 years. The process will be backed by $20 billion of Federal funding. Additionally, $11 billion will be poured into creating smarter electronic power grids and $6 billion will be spent to expedite access to high-speed Internet service in rural practices and underserved communities.

Congress has designated the Office of the National Coordinator of Healthcare Information Technology (ONC), originally established by the Bush Administration in 2004, to set guidelines and direct the implementation of new digital infrastructures outlined in the stimulus package. Along with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the Obama Administration’s transition team will work with other federal agencies to charter practice procedures and dole out funds. By infusing stimulus spending into health care related IT, the President’s long term goals of improving the quality of health care and lowering its costs are underway.

Global MedData provides comprehensive high-tech digital services and EMR solutions to medical facilities and institutions around the world. We offer affordable technology and effective business solutions to small practices and large hospitals alike. Our goal is to equip our customers with affordable interoperable tools to streamline workflow management, improve patient care, and save significant administration costs. As the nation prepares to adopt a smarter data-driven health care system, you can depend on Global MedData ( to provide innovative and integrative solutions to meet your current and future needs. Our solutions are designed for scale and speed to significantly improve the quality and consistency of your healthcare practice.

Interested in how we can help you operate more efficiently? Contact us for a free trial at

Global MedData is a provider of digital transcription services and EMR/EHR solutions to physician practices and clinics in the U.S. and to the National Health Service Hospitals in the U.K. For more information email us at:
